Tuesday 2 August 2011

Funny I love you

 Funny I love you photo image pic
 Funny I love you hate you pic

 Funny I love you animal

 Funny I love you cat image pic photo

Funny I love you photo image pics

1 comment:

  1. Well honestly i'm tried of being the one that
    understands. I'm tired of being here for everybody when they need me and as soon as they see that I
    need them they disappear. I'm tired of being hurt and forgiving everybody. I'm so sick of having a
    fake smile for everybody and for once in my life I wanna sit down and cry and feel that it's okay.
    I hate being the strong person and I hate being nice. I wanna be able to mean and I want people to know that they can't just walk over over me. I wanna be somebody that I'm not. See the link below for more info.

